In the serene expanse of a familiar fishing spot, a weathered fisherman casts his line, expecting the usual routine of wriggling fish and the gentle lull of the waters. Yet, this ordinary day takes an extraordinary turn when his hook snags onto something that feels distinctly unusual.
What lies at the end of his line isn’t a fish. It’s an oddity, a creature unlike anything he’s seen before. Its appearance defies explanation, straddling the border between bizarre and fascinating. As he grapples with the shock of his unexpected catch, a rush of emotions wells within him, and tears cloud his eyes — He’s just realized what it is he’s caught!
1. That Was Then
The year was 2011. The moon cast a silvery sheen upon the restless waves as the fishing vessel, with its weary crew, cut through the dark expanse.
Captain Rennell, a seasoned woman with salt-kissed hair and decades of experience etched in her eyes, steered the ship with a practiced hand.

Her crew, nameless figures huddled in the dim light, worked diligently, their laughter fading into the night as they cast their nets into the depths.
2. Chaos Amidst Dark Seas
The tranquility shattered abruptly when an unseen force seized their bounty, tugging violently at their nets. Panic rippled through the crew as the boat pitched and rocked violently against an unseen adversary.
Splintering wood echoed through the night as the unseen force wreaked havoc upon their vessel, rending apart the fishing nets and leaving a jagged tear in the boat’s hull.

Captain Rennell’s commands were drowned by the chaos. The crew scrambled desperately to salvage what they could, but the damage was irreparable.